The Secure and Responsible Technology Lab (SART Lab) is the dedicated research division of Assessed Intelligence LLC, focused on advancing the field of ethical and secure artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity. At SART Lab, we are driven by a commitment to creating technologies that not only enhance business capabilities but also prioritize security, ethics, and equity. Our mission is to conduct cutting-edge research that shapes the future of AI and cybersecurity while ensuring that these technologies are responsibly integrated into society.

Our Secure and Responsible Mission

At SART Lab, our mission is to lead the global conversation on secure and responsible technology development. We believe that the future of AI and cybersecurity lies in their ethical and secure deployment, where technology serves humanity without compromising privacy, security, or fairness. Our research is aimed at developing comprehensive frameworks, standards, and best practices that guide organizations in implementing AI and cybersecurity solutions that are both innovative and ethical.

Research Focus Areas

SART Lab focuses on several key areas within AI and cybersecurity, unified under a Responsible and Secure Technology Framework that ensures every aspect of technology development and deployment is secure, ethical, and equitable:

  1. Responsible and Secure AI Development:

    • We explore methodologies for reducing bias in AI systems, ensuring that machine learning models are trained and deployed in ways that reflect fairness and inclusivity. Our research addresses the challenges of transparency, accountability, and security in AI, proposing solutions that make AI systems understandable, traceable, and secure from vulnerabilities.
  2. Comprehensive Cybersecurity Frameworks:

    • Cybersecurity is integral to every research focus at SART Lab. We are at the forefront of developing robust frameworks that protect against emerging threats and ensure that AI technologies are implemented securely. This includes risk identification, mitigation strategies, and proactive security measures that are woven into the fabric of all our research initiatives.
  3. AI Governance, Compliance, and Security:

    • Our research contributes to creating governance models for AI, helping organizations navigate the regulatory and security environment. We are involved in projects establishing standards for AI auditing, compliance, and governance, ensuring that AI deployments adhere to legal and ethical standards while being protected from cyber threats.
  4. Human-Centered and Secure AI:

    • SART Lab is dedicated to research that keeps the human element at the core of AI development. We study the social and security impacts of AI, ensuring that these technologies are designed and implemented with consideration for societal well-being. Our work includes assessing the implications of AI on privacy, human rights, societal equity, and cybersecurity.

Research Projects

  • AI Workforce Gaps

    • An analysis of the responsible AI workforce skills and gaps, identifying critical knowledge, abilities, and attitudes needed to ensure ethical and impactful use of AI across diverse sectors.

  • AI Bias Mitigation and Security Framework:

    • A comprehensive framework designed to help organizations identify and mitigate biases in their AI systems while ensuring these systems are secure and responsibly deployed. 
  • Integrated AI Cybersecurity Audit Framework:

    • This ongoing project aims to develop a framework for auditing cybersecurity controls for AI Systems, and ensuring alignment with NIST, ISO and other international cybersecurity framworks.
  • Responsible and Secure AI Ethics & Compliance Research:

    • SART Lab is involved in research that sets the foundation for global AI compliance and security standards. Our work in this area includes contributing to the development of AI governance models that can be adopted across different industries, ensuring ethical and secure implementations.


Collaborations and Partnerships

SART Lab works closely with leading organizations and academic institutions to advance its research objectives. We partner with entities like ForHumanity, NIST, IEEE, and other global leaders in AI and cybersecurity. These collaborations allow us to contribute to developing international standards and frameworks that guide technology’s responsible and secure use.

Our Team

A diverse team of experts in AI, cybersecurity, data science, and ethics leads SART Lab. Our researchers bring years of experience from various sectors, including government, academia, and industry. Together, they drive innovation while upholding the highest ethical and secure research standards.

Join Us

We invite researchers, practitioners, and organizations to collaborate with SART Lab. Whether you’re looking to partner on a research project, explore responsible and secure AI implementation, or to develop cybersecurity strategies, we are eager to connect. Together, we can shape a future where technology serves the greater good in a secure and responsible manner.



Please get in touch to learn more about our research or explore collaboration opportunities.