Services Offered

Assessed Intelligence LLC consultation services include responsible technology assessments, program development, vCISO, vCAIO, and security consultation leveraging our proprietary research based solutions. These services can help to identify gaps, and help prepare the organization for audits ensure that audits are conducted efficiently and effectively. Depending on the type of services provided Assessed.Intelligence be limited in completing audits that overlap in scope for one year following the completion of services.

By engaging in these services, you can improve accuracy and reliability, enhance risk management, and establish a clear communication plan. If you’re preparing for an audit or just want to advance your responsible AI program, consider engaging for services.

Improved efficiency

Preparing for the audit in advance can help streamline the process and reduce the risk of delays or unexpected issues.

Enhanced accuracy

By identifying potential issues and addressing them in advance, the organization can improve the accuracy and reliability of compliance statements and other information.

Better risk management

A risk assessment and internal control evaluation can help to identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing the organization to take steps to mitigate these risks.

Clear communication

Pre-audit services can help to establish clear lines of communication between the organization and the auditor, ensuring that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objectives.


Virtual Chief Inforamtion Security Officer (vCISO)

A virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) service provides organizations with expert cybersecurity leadership and guidance without hiring a full-time executive. This service is ideal for businesses that require advanced security strategies and compliance management but lack the resources for an in-house CISO. A vCISO offers flexible, cost-effective access to expertise in risk assessment, security program development, incident response planning, and staff training. By leveraging a vCISO, companies can strengthen their cybersecurity posture, ensure compliance with industry regulations, and respond more effectively to evolving security threats.

Virtual Chief AI Officer (vCAIO)

A Virtual Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (vCAIO) service provides organizations with strategic leadership and expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning without the need to hire a full-time executive. This service is tailored for businesses aiming to harness the power of AI technologies to enhance their operations, drive innovation, and gain competitive advantages. Unlock the full potential of AI with our vCAIO service at Assessed.Intelligence LLC. Our service features a dedicated leader who expertly tailors the controls necessary for AI Adoption & Management to your organization. This ensures seamless integration and alignment with your business objectives for sustainable growth. A vCAIO helps in developing and implementing AI strategies, overseeing AI projects, ensuring ethical AI usage, and fostering an AI-driven culture. By employing a vCAIO, companies can efficiently integrate AI solutions, optimize processes, and leverage data-driven insights while managing costs and resources effectively.

Secure and Responsible AI Maturity Model – (SARAI)

Streamline Your AI Journey

At the heart of our offerings is the Secure and Responsible AI Maturity Model – (SAR-AIM), a comprehensive approach to Secure and Responsible AI Implementation. Designed to facilitate smooth adoption from strategic planning to operational excellence, our SAR-AIM ensures that every stage of your AI journey is characterized by purposeful security and compliance. With a phased, strategic approach, your organization can fully leverage technologies potential.

At Assessed Intelligence, we are committed to fostering secure, responsible, and effective AI adoption and management. Our goal is to ensure AI’s sustainable, ethical, and prudent integration into society. To promote accessibility and collaborative improvement, our colaborative foundational AI maturity framework is publically available and is based off the NIST AI RMF. supporting our vision of empowering communities worldwide to use AI for positive impact.

AI Readiness Assessment

Our AI Readiness Assessment lays the foundation for a successful AI journey by evaluating key areas:

  • Data Readiness: We assess your data’s quality and architecture, ensuring it’s ready for AI.
  • Security Readiness: We examine cybersecurity measures to confirm your infrastructure’s preparedness against threats.
  • Governance Readiness: We review governance structures to ensure readiness for ethical AI deployment, focusing on compliance and ethical standards.
  • Infrastructure Readiness: We evaluate your IT infrastructure’s capability to support AI, identifying necessary enhancements.
  • Organizational Readiness: We analyze strategic alignment and culture to gauge your organization’s preparedness for AI adoption.

Ethical AI Gap Assessment

An assessment of your current AI implementation. Leveraging industry frameworks to include the NIST AI RMF and the Responsible AI Maturity Model, we will help evaluate your current maturity level and provide a roadmap to increase maturity within your organization. 

vCISO Services

Expert cybersecurity leadership meets tailored solutions for organizations seeking comprehensive protection against evolving threats. Our vCISO services offers seasoned professionals dedicated to guiding your business towards enhanced security posture, regulatory compliance, and proactive risk mitigation.

Cybersecurity Gap Consultation

An independent audit of your current security program based on defined audit standards and industry frameworks.

Pre-Audit Evaluation

This is a non reported audit that aligns with a defined audit criteria to identify current alignment with the target framework.